webview unity android
Public constructors; webview(context context) constructs a new webview with a context object. webview(context context, attributeset attrs). Readme.md introduction. unity-webview is a plugin for unity that attaches webview component in the game scene. it works on android, ios and os x.. Since unity 5 changed quite a lot of the project structure, it is not possible for uniwebview to support both unity 4 and 5. webview for android)..
Android webview in unity3d //github.com/gree/unity-webview. a unity3d webview plugin for ios, android and mac – user1140656 apr 10 '14 at 6:57 :). Hi i'm trying to figure out how to get an android webview rendering to a texture in unity similar to how its done with the mediaplayer android object in the example. Webview from unity3d android is not shown. if you want to open webview over unity's ui you need an activity or you need to override unity's activity otherwise you.